How did Arpegio Switzerland Foundation come into being?
In 2012 the theologian Elke Pahud de Mortanges travelled with her family to Peru where she got to know the social children’s music project ARPEGIO Perú in Trujillo. She returned to Switzerland deeply moved and impressed by ARPEGIO Perús work. She felt that in ARPEGIO her theoretical theological approach was practiced every day. Bringing children and young people from the geographical and social periphery to the center of society and giving them a perspective in life, as an important contribution to the positive development of a society as a whole, is a practical example of what she teaches in her theology.
Deeply inspired she decided to thus support ARPEGIO Perú (founded in 2004 by the Peruvian flutist Joe Rodríguez González) both ideally and materially. In summer 2013 she took the step to found ARPEGIO Switzerland together with Françoise Marcuard-Hammer (Berne).
What is the Arpegio Switzerland Foundation?
The sole purpose of the ARPEGIO Switzerland Foundation is to provide non-material and material support for ARPEGIO Perù in Trujillo. (Adress: Calle Nicolás Rebazza 336, Urb. Las Quintanas, Trujillo, Perú.) The ARPEGIO Switzerland Foundation is registered in the commercial register of Bern (CH- It has non-profit character and pursues non-profit purposes. The ARPEGIO Switzerland Foundation is run on an honorary basis. There are no administration costs. Donations are to 100% transferred to ARPEGIO Perú. Annual visits to Trujillo are made at private expense. A tax-deductible donation receipt can be issued for every donor.
Prof. Dr. theol. Elke Pahud de Mortanges
Prof. Dr. iur. René Pahud de Mortanges
What does the Arpegio Switzerland Foundation do?
The activities of the ARPEGIO Switzerland Foundation are diverse: we collect musical instruments in Switzerland, organize benefit concerts to raise donations, give lectures, and establish contacts with music institutions both in Switzerland and abroad. From website administration to the organization of the benefit concerts, all work is done by dedicated and capable volunteers, who enthusiastically devote their time and talent to ARPERGIO. All of them together seem to form one big family: the family of ARPEGIO Switzerland.
With the acquired donations, the ARPEGIO Switzerland Foundation contributes significantly to the monthly operating costs and to the maintenance of the infrastructure of ARPEGIO Perú. We also support ARPEGIO Perú in acquiring means, that allow sustainable self-sourcing.
Milestones of the Foundation's activities
2013 – 2018
Benefit concerts in Switzerland 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017
Honorary doctorate for Joe Rodríguez González (2014)
Collection & Transport of 321 music instruments to Trujillo (2015)
SIDE BY SIDE - 50 musicians from ARPEGIO Perú in Switzerland (March 2016)
Renovation of the Casa ARPEGIO & Emergency Aid in El Provenir 2017
Installation of a workshop for the repair of our music instruments in the Casa ARPEGIO (2017/2018)
Postal adress
Elke Pahud de Mortanges
De Castellaweg 29
CH 3280 Greng
Donation account
Stiftung ARPEGIO Schweiz, UBS Bern
IBAN CH 32 0023 5235 1409 9001 B
The ARPEGIO Switzerland Foundation is registered in the commercial register of Bern (CH- It has non-profit character and pursues non-profit purposes. The ARPEGIO Switzerland Foundation is run on an honorary basis. There are no administration costs. Donations are to 100% transferred to ARPEGIO Perú.